HP has many great products. We just think you might be interested in another HP laptop. They look great and have awesome features. But we don’t think they have everything you want in a laptop. So if you want a stylish, reliable, powerful laptop, check out one of their other models.

What is HP?

But I have more to share with you. HP is a company that makes computers and printer ink. When you buy HP products, you help keep those things running. That helps everyone in the community. Like the people who work in the stores that sell HP Laptop products. Like the truck drivers who deliver those products. And of course, like the people who own the stores and the truck drivers. So please buy HP products from a store that sells them.

  1. Hewlett Packard Company is a multinational information technology company headquartered in Palo Alto, California, United States. It is the world’s second-largest personal computer manufacturer (after Lenovo). It also makes printers, networking equipment, scanners, and software.
  2. HP had $72.7 billion in revenue in 2012.
  3. HP has about 184,000 employees in over 130 countries, and over 90% of its revenues come from outside the U.S.
  4. The HP logo is a stylized version of the Latin phrase in the middle of the three horizontal bars representing the letters HP.
  5. HP has been a Fortune 500 company since 1983.
  6. HP was founded in April 1939 by William E. Hewlett and David Packard as a venture called The Radio Corporation of America (RCA).
  7. The company’s headquarters are in Palo Alto, California.

Is HP made in China?

For years, the world’s major printer manufacturers have been moving their production lines to low-cost countries in Asia. China was just such a country. But they couldn’t afford to ignore the printing business, so they gave it a try. After all, who could say no to all those low prices? Well, we can! We call on our friends at Hewlett-Packard to do the right thing and bring back HP production to America. And if that doesn’t work, we will just keep printing our own paper money! Read more on laptopswebsite.

  • HP is headquartered in Palo Alto, California, but it is not just about the location of its headquarters. HP manufactures everything from silicon chips to ink cartridges to computers. 
  • I’m sure that there are many things for which HP is known for. HP printers, their name itself, and their computers and laptops are probably the first things that come to mind. But what people often forget is that the company has an incredibly successful business in the Asian market.
  • For years, HP made a lot of inkjet printers for the East, but they are now making inkjet printers for the West. That’s right, they are making the most popular inkjet printers for consumers in America.
  • This might seem like a small detail, but it has huge implications on whether or not the consumer decides to purchase the printer. Do you really want to order an HP printer if it comes from China? Probably not. So don’t let that stop you from purchasing HP inkjet printers.

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