Autism spectrum disorder

Kids On The Spectrum: Myths and Facts of Fish Oil

 This is a developmental condition where individuals suffer from slow brain growth. And omega-3 is a substance that helps in brain growth. That is why most parents opt for omega-3 supplements for their kids to help them in this regard.

Supplements are a vague concept. A lot of us think of it as medicine, whereas some consider it as just a supplement to something else. That is why we all hear different things from different people.

As a result, we often encounter several myths that force us to think in a negative way.

Myths And Facts Of Fish Oil For Kids On The Spectrum

When it comes to fish oils or omega-3 supplements, people come across a lot of myths. But you must have a clear idea about the neurological facts in order to choose the best solution for your children all the time. Here we have listed down the major myths regarding fish oils for kids and also stated the actual fact you should rely on. We will also recommend you consult with your doctor all the time before including any supplements into your child’s diet.

Myth 1: Too Much Supplement Can Cause Bleeding

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to have an anti-clotting effect. This is why a lot of people believe that it might lead to excessive bleeding in case you’ve cut somewhere, which is not true at all. It does not slow down the blood clotting level at all. Also, there is no proof to say that it causes bleeding or something similar like that. But in case you are already taking blood thinning medications and want to take omega-3, it will be best to consult with your doctor.

Myth 2: Every Omega-3 Are The Same 

Till now, science has found 3 different types of omega-3 fatty acids. And the major fact is that they are pretty different from each other. As EPA-based supplements mostly focus on improving your heart.

On the other hand, Omega 3 fish oils are known for improving the health of your brain. Again, ALA is not found in fish oil and is usually extracted from flaxseeds and walnuts that work majorly on reducing inflammation. To be honest, our body is not that efficient in consuming ALA properly.

Myth 3: Omega-3 Supplement Tend To Smell Fishy

Whenever you are taking a supplement product, always be sure that the product is refined and distilled to eliminate the foul fish odor. That means there is really less chance of opting for a smelly fish oil supplement.

Here, we will always recommend you keep an eye on the expiry date all the time before purchasing any product. In case you have taken home an expired product, it might smell odd. We will also ask you to opt for the best quality fish oils for better results and a smell-free experience.

Myth 4: Omega-3 Will Not Improve Your Brain Health

It is now proven that omega-3 fatty acids and other methods are capable of improving brain health a lot. At the same time, it also comes with the ability to boost your mood naturally, along with protecting against cognitive decline.

So, you have the option of improving your memory function by consuming omega-3 fish oil supplements on a daily basis. And due to this particular reason, omega-3 fish oil supplements are recommended to autistic children often.

Myth 5: Doesn’t Help People With Autism

This is not at all true. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for proper brain development, which explains the importance of conducting necessary research. And as autistic children suffer from developmental issues, it can help them in several ways. Specialized omega-3 present in the spectrum of fish oil can improve memory along with improving social personas. It will help them to be confident, along with prompting them to start a conversation with unknown people. In addition to all these, it is also effective for eye health.

Wrapping It!

Fish oils can be really beneficial for all those kids who are suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. But you always have to ensure that your child is getting the most out of the product. In order to do that, you should always choose the fish oils that are of the best quality.

FDA-approved spectrum fish oil supplements actually work well. You also can consult with your physician or doctor before including any type of supplement in your child’s diet. Also, do not forget to ask about the dosage.

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