Chin-Up vs Pull-Up

Chin-Up vs Pull-Up: Does One Beat the Other? – Ideal Post

Chin-Up and a Pull-Up

Both Chin-ups and Pull-Ups are essential exercises in weight training. Both are used for training the upper body muscles. Both exercises revolve around hanging from a horizontal bar with the hands pulling the body as high as possible toward oneself. The ideal point is when the chest of the trainee/trainer reaches the height of the bar. 

The difference lies in the technique to grab the horizontal bar.

For performing Chin-Ups, you need to focus on your palms that are facing you while gripping the bar. But while performing Pull-Ups, you hold the bar with palms facing down or away from you. 

The grip position is one of the main focal points that makes a large difference in the results for both exercises. 

Body muscles

So, Chin-Ups are good for working front body muscles like the chest and biceps while Pull-Ups allow strengthening and training of shoulder and back muscles. To understand the terms properly, it is required to get into the crux of the ways, techniques, and results associated with Chin-Ups and Pull-Ups.

  • A chin-up is a better exercise for beginners. The reason is simple. It is easier than its counterpart and hence is recommended for beginners. 

But Pull-Ups is considered a great workout routine for people who want to train their upper lats. 

  • Chin-ups work for the upper back and arm muscles specifically. To be more precise, the exercise targets the biceps, forearms, and pectorals. 

Pull-ups focus on the posterior muscles that are located in the back. Volleyball players and athletes prefer Pull-Ups over Chin-Ups because they train the posterior chain which helps to achieve resistance/prevention against injury and aids in the improvement of shoulder health. 

Chin-Ups Vs Pull-Ups

People often think that both terms are interchangeably used and the exercise is the same. But the fact is just the opposite because the technique of performance varies. Moreover, both apply to training different sets of muscles. The point that makes both exercises similar is that both are used to train the upper back.

  • The major point of difference between Chin-Ups and Pull-Ups is the grip. In Pull-Ups, the palms have to face away from the body while during Chin-Ups, the palm has to face inwards while holding the bar.
  • If your goal is bodybuilding, then it is better to go for the Pull-Ups. Several muscles are present in the back but latissimus dorsi or lats and rhomboids are the significant ones. Pull-ups target these muscles and train mid back along with forearms. 


Chin-ups, on the other hand, intend to strengthen the muscles like biceps, shoulder, and elbow. The exercise is also helpful in training the rhomboids and lower trapezius. Some athletes consider Chin-Ups as a pure bicep training exercise.

  • Shoulder-width or wide-grip is practiced for Pull-Ups while narrow-grip is observed for Pull-Ups. 
  • Though both exercises target the back in fact, different muscles of the back are targeted. The Middle of the back is targeted by Chin-Ups and the upper back is at play while performing the Pull-Ups. 
  • Bicep development is easily possible with the help of Chin-Ups whereas Pull-Ups help to achieve a wider back. So, it is clear that the results vary by performing the exercises. So, if your option is to improve your back width, then Pull-Ups is meant for you. 

If we talk about grip enhancers, then there are tools available that can help to strengthen the grip. Athletes can also make use of such tools and Squegg proves to be a great choice. The main task of the grip strengthener is to give a strong grip to the hand and a good grip will help to get the best results while performing Chin-Ups and Pull-Ups. You can indulge in some research to buy the best tool to strengthen your grip.

Final Words

It is difficult to find or say which is better than the other. This is because both are meant to give results in their way and the athlete or the performer has to decide accordingly. But technique should be followed to get the best result from the exercises. Chin-Up.