common interview mistakes

Common Mistakes To Avoid While Preparing For An Interview

Imagine your resume impressed the hiring manager, who keeps your CV in the selected pile. And now, the only thing between you and your desired position is an interview. The last stage can get even the most seasoned and confident person flustered and screw up their meeting. It is a nerve-wracking experience, but you must make it right to land your dream job. And for that, you must prepare to avoid common mistakes and leaving a wrong impression. A typical blunder can lower the chances of securing a post and shatter your dream. We are sure you wouldn’t want that, right? So the right way is to avoid the below five common interview mistakes. 

Let’s get started!

5 Common Interview Mistakes You Must Avoid

1- Going Off Guard

The first common mistake is attending an interview without proper preparation. It is highly unattractive to the recruiter when they encounter candidates who know nothing about the company or the position. Hiring managers want to hire individuals who understand what their company does and how they can add value. So, you can’t just go there and wing it right away. The correct way is to do your spadework by visiting the company’s website and studying its mission and values.

Moreover, analyze their competitors within the market and the post you are applying for. Examine their expectations and responsibilities regarding that job. However, getting a professional resume is the best way to prepare if you are still in the job application process. Contacting any top CV writer Dublin will make this job easy by professionally tailoring your document. 

2- Not Being On-Time

Another typical mistake includes not being on time. It shows irresponsible behavior and deducts precious time from your meeting. Moreover, it also leaves a negative impression on the hiring manager. Plan how you will reach the destination and the commuting time a day before the meeting. Stick to your schedule on the day and avoid creating other plans before the meet-up. If you still arrive late due to any unforeseeable external event, apologies and explain your reason. 

3- Arriving Too Early

You may find the above point too obvious, but do you know you shouldn’t arrive too early too? It will either make you look too desperate or arrogant if you don’t stick to the schedule defined by your interviewer. Instead, come ten minutes before your meeting. If you reach earlier than that, wait in your car or go for a walk to ease your nerves. This way, you neither get late nor arrive way too on time. 

4- Not Rehearsing Beforehand

Most interviewers ask similar questions; therefore, you should always rehearse beforehand. Scroll down the search engines, list the potential common queries, and prepare their answers. It will help you confidently reply and pass this stage with flying colors. You can also ask your friend or sibling to be an interviewer so they can examine and tell you where you lack. This trick is as beneficial as seeking help from any leading Irish resume writing service. Both will increase your odds of landing your desired position and advance your career. 

 5- Making It Sound All About You

Though you are searching for a job, the interview is not about you. The hiring manager wants to communicate with you to examine how you will add value to the company. So, you can’t make it sound all about you by discussing what you want and how much salary you desire right away. Instead, start talking about how you can help their business achieve goals and then share your wants. 


The process of an interview is generally nerve-wracking, and so many things can go wrong while it. However, we shared the five common mistakes you should avoid achieving success in your last stage. So, take advantage of our solutions in this blog and get set to secure your dream job.