Well, we all can agree on the simple point that physical activity is what saves your heart at the end of the day. Having a sedentary lifestyle and not paying enough attention to movements as well as sticking to a job that is 9 to 5, all these types of habits are what can cost a person their heart.

According to the heart specialist in Karachi, the way we design our lives has a huge impact on our cardiac health. It is one of the main reasons for obesity and then what comes next is all the possible sorts of complications. These complications not only make your heart health questionable but also open the door to a million other health issues that can put a strain on a person’s body.

For example, if we are frequent to a lifestyle that incorporates not moving, we are not only risking our bone health but we are also paving way for extreme addition of pounds to our body weight. This sudden weight increase can lead a person straight towards obesity and it can cause fat deposition in the arteries which can further the cause of heart attack.

Thus engaging in physical activity is not only essential it is also necessary. It is one of the prime steps towards good heart health and is one of the most effective ways to increase the strength of cardiac muscles. There has been scientific research that has proven that physical activity and making good use of your body is what your heart needs from you.

Why is Physical Activity Good for the Heart?

 This is mainly because it has a balanced effect on your heart. It can boost good health in the following manners:

  1. Elevates the level of HDL in your blood
  2. Helps in maintaining a weight that is good for your body
  3. Lower down the blood pressure
  4. Helps in controlling safe blood sugar levels

It is also pertinent to note here that physical activity is not only important for those who have had a heart attack, it is also helpful for those who wish to enjoy the perks of having a stable heart for a longer period of time. It does so by increasing the numbers of smaller blood vessels in the blood. So, in case the arteries are facing blockage of some kinds these small arteries can divert the blood flow so that the heart is not affected to a larger degree.

Now that we have established the fact that physical activity is good for your heart, let us discuss the extent to which exercises can prevent heart attack. So stay tuned with us!

Aerobic Exercise and its Many Benefits 

If a person engages in aerobic exercise, he or she might enjoy the following advantages of this one:

  • Aerobic exercise helps with the overall circulation of the body
  • It also aids in lowering the blood pressure
  • Aerobic exercise is effective for maintaining a stable heart rate
  • It is also important for maintaining physical and aerobic fitness
  • Also helps in improving the overall cardiac output of your body
  • Successfully reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • If a person already has diabetes it helps in controlling the blood pressure

How much of it is needed?

Well, you might be needing this form of physical activity for at least 30 minutes of your day. You also have to repeat this gesture five times a week.


Well, aerobic exercise has the following forms such as:

  • Brisk walking
  • Running
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Playing tennis
  • Jumping rope

Resistance Training 

Also known as strength work.

The benefits of this type of workout on the body can be described as follows

Has a very specific and defining effect on the body’s composition

  • For those who are suffering from obesity, strength work can have all the right effects on their metabolism. It can help their body to lose those extra pounds and have an effect on their leaner mass.
  • Also promotes the increase of HDL and decrease of LDL, if done in collaboration with aerobic exercise

How much resistance training is needed

According to the cardiologist’s suggestion, you must engage yourself in these exercises for at least two non-consecutive days per week.

Examples of Strength Work 

  • Working out with free weights such as dumbbells, hand weights, and barbells
  • With the help of weight machines
  • Resistance bands and push-ups, squats, and chin-ups

Stretching and Balancing 

It has some of the following benefits on your body:

  • Promotes good musculoskeletal health
  • Protects you from joint pain, cramping, and other joint issues

How often is this one needed?

You can try this one every day and after all the above-mentioned exercises


All the basic stretching exercises that you can think of fall in this category Thus, make sure to use all the aforementioned exercises to prevent heart attack and thank us later!


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