Earlier the app market was divided mainly between native and hybrid apps and then with the onset of cross-platform development technologies such as React Native and Flutter we have a credible middle path for developing apps with the advantages of both native and hybrid development. The principal promise of cross-platform technologies is simple – reuse the same code across platforms without sacrificing the native UI and UX attributes.
Flutter apart from bringing all these promises on the table, also offers several different value offerings unmatched by other cross-platform technologies. It offers a widget-based infrastructure for UI building while extending the code reusability beyond mobile platforms to web and desktop. No wonder the last survey revealed that Flutter is now preferred by 42% of app developers worldwide. Even a web application development company finds Flutter ideal to develop dynamic and modular web apps that can be converted to mobile apps in subsequent time.
Why is Flutter so popular as an app development technology, in the first place? What are the key value propositions that make Flutter easily stand out from all other cross-platform technologies? Why do cross-platform app projects prefer to hire dedicated Flutter developer? Let’s explain these aspects here below.
Fast-Paced Development
Flutter comes with a modular architecture that behaves just like the Lego parts. You can just mix and match feature components and UI widgets and shape the entire app in a modular way. On top of that, all the changes that developers make are instantly reflected allowing developers to have a direct experience of the app project. This ultimately results in faster execution and development of the app.
Many leading app projects have embraced Flutter because of the reusable Lego-like components that can be put together to develop the app. Many developers talk highly of Flutter because the framework allowed them to build a complex and demanding app project just within a few weeks’ time.
Streamlined development with Instant Run & Firebase support
Flutter allows apps to run instantly as soon as a basic version or any version is created. The framework allows developers to build, run and test the app in a streamlined manner by utilizing Instant Run as well as the Hot Reload feature. This streamlined development is further supported by Google through built-in Firebase backend support and SDKs of several other Google software.
One codebase for web, mobile and desktop
According to most app developers and app projects running on Flutter, the biggest reason to choose Flutter is its use of one codebase for both webs, mobile and desktop platforms. As of now, cross-platform development technologies could only be used for app projects across iOS and Android. Now Flutter made it possible to reuse the same code for web and desktop apps as well.
Most important of all, the native usability and user experience can be achieved with Flutter despite reusing the same codebase across platforms. This is why even the app projects with native development aspirations are opting for Flutter simply because it allows them to extend their footprints across multiple platforms with ease.
Hot Reload for faster development & testing
Flutter just like React Native also offers a Hot Reload feature that allows instantly running and evaluating the code ensuring faster development and testing. Developers mostly need to run their code after refreshing the app to evaluate the changes. Thanks to the Hot Reload feature, now the code changes can be reviewed simultaneously.
Because of this feature developers can quickly tweak features, add features, fix bugs, and do a lot more without needing to refresh and reload the app again and again. Because of this feature they can just instantly see the changes in real-time without refreshing the app.
Highly expressive app UI
Flutter coming with advanced features allows the development of aesthetically beautiful apps by using its prebuilt widget from the inbuilt widget library. Flutter comes with UI widgets for both iOS and Android platforms and addresses all the key UI requirements ranging from colors, fonts, gradients, shadows, layouts, buttons, menu options, and several others.
While other cross-platform development frameworks like React Native and Xamarin need to connect to the native UI layers through a JavaScript bridge or need to rely on third-party UI tools, Flutter achieves the expressive user experience through its inbuilt widgets.
Unmatched app performance
Flutter uses Dart programming language, a language well known for transparent, expressive, and low-footprint syntax. The power of Dart Language helps faster loading of the Flutter apps. On the other hand, the widget and component-based development easily help in fixing many issues such as compatibility, incorporating code changes, feature and value additions, etc. With Flutter making changes becomes extremely easier without any negative impact on the app performance and loading time.
Flutter helps with rendering as well
The Flutter, unlike many other cross-platform development technologies, helps with the rendering as well through its own rendering engine. Flutter is compatible with a whole array of IDEs ranging from Visual Studio, Android Studio, Xcode, IntelliJ, and almost every other leading IDE in the market.
On top of the easy compatibility with a range of IDEs, Flutter also makes use of the widely-acclaimed. And high-performance Skia rendering engine for deploying the apps on the respective target platforms. Thanks to this inbuilt support for the Skia engine, Flutter UI remains so expressive. And engaging irrespective of the deployment platform.
Implementing logic in different platforms easily
While reusability of the code ensures that you easily develop the app ready for running across platforms. This doesn’t guarantee optimum performance and usability without implementing the logic for separate platforms. This is another area where Flutter has a clear edge over most other cross-platform technologies.
This is why Flutterapps can easily accommodate. And interact with platform-specific and device-specific features such as Bluetooth. GPS coordinates, bringing together Data captured by sensors, handling permissions, credential building, etc.
Wrapping Up
All the above-mentioned reasons have been discussed time. And again across different web domains by the project owners or the developers. The popularity of Flutar has almost reached a pinnacle in recent years as cross-platform continues to get more traction. With cross-platform development, you are likely to make zero compromises on the native user experience.