
How to Download YouTube Videos by GenYoutube?

What is Gen YouTube?

GenYouTube is an application through which you can download videos from YouTube in all formats.

With Gen Youtube, you can download recordings and videos from YouTube. You can access a huge selection of YouTube content, including Videos and recordings.

GenYoutube is a very helpful application that allows you to download YouTube videos in any format like MP4, WebM, M4a, and 3GP. MP3 and 3D formats ranging from mobile-friendly to HDTV resolution

You can easily download videos and Mp3 Songs on Youtube. This app can support 55 formats of video downloads.

New version: The updated version is more sophisticated and designed as per Mozilla Firefox and Google guidelines.

How to Download it? 

Option 1:

To download a video copy the URL of the video and then paste the video link in the search box and press the ‘Enter’ button. It automatically will direct you to the video page from where you can preview your video and after confirmation, you can download the video or audio (what you prefer). You will find the download buttons below the video.

Option 2:

Add the word gen to the YouTube video link before For example: If you are watching a YouTube video and want to download that video, just include the gen with the YouTube URL something like this:

If you are watching a video and its URL is

You can write gen before youtube something like this:–to-make-money?

I hope you got the idea


This app allows you to download any format of videos from YouTube. You can also preview your video before downloading through screenshots or video play.

  • You can search for the videos of your choice and play them before downloading them. Search results are sorted out based on relevance, view count, title, rating, and publish date.
  • GenYoutube supports about 50+ video formats.
  • With the help of this app, you can download several videos at a time. And you will not face any downloading speed issues, because this application is very efficient.
  • Conversion of YouTube video content into Mp3 or Mp4 documents can be done in a very quick way. web administration is permitted and there is no need for any separate administration or recruitment 
  • GenYoutube provides you the opportunity to download YouTube Songs, YouTube Videos, and even more than Youtube in Drive
  • Genyt is iPod, iPhone, and Android-supported app. Download the video of your choice, and no need to pay any kind of charge for it, as it’s free. 

Is Genyt legal or illegal?

Using an external source of programming to download YouTube videos is seen as an illegal activity. Downloading YouTube videos with GenYouTube Downloader is illegal. Watching YouTube is only legal on YouTube.

Is Genyt Safe?

Users of this website have not claimed that the GenYouTube website has been infected with malware or that their computers have been damaged.

Although the website may be virus-free, its complete security cannot be guaranteed.

Although the site is secure, we strongly recommend that you avoid risking the possibility of your personal information being leaked, or system corruption.

Alternative of Genyt:

There are many ways to download the desired videos from YouTube and most popular alternative of this GenYouTube are.

Free Video Finder

This one is also a good YouTube video downloading platform, it helps to convert videos to mp3. This is a free platform


Another amazing website, for audio and video content on YouTube. It is completely free.


 You can easily watch and enjoy music, videos, and movies on VidToMP3. 


Anything2MP3 allows users to watch, share, and download their favorite videos.


GenYouTube is an easy way to download videos. You can download videos in quality up to 4K HD. If you have any problems, clear your browsing history and cookies, restart your browser, and search again.