How to Perform witr?

How to Perform witr?

Muslims are restricted to offer five prayers in a day. Theses prayers are named as FAJAR, DHUHAR, ASR, MAGHREB, and IESHA. Witr are used to perform in the last prayers of the day which is Iesha. Iesha have 17 Raka’ah as a whole. Firstly, Muslims have to offer 4 Raka’ah SUNNAH, then 4 Raka’ah FARD, next they have to move ahead toward 2 Raka’ah Sunnah again afterward they perform 2 nawafil, 3 witr and 2 nawafil again. Witr are of great importance in Iesha prayer. There are a lot of hadith in favor of witr, so that’s why performing witr is some much important for Muslims. Witr prayers are the example of Wajib prayers. Umrah is nafl and Hajj is Fard. You can perform Umrah after booking the umrah packages. To offer Witr in righteous way, you should learn that How to perform Witr.

Why it is important to learn how to perform witr:

In general, if we read some Islamic literature about Witr prayer, we will find an explanation that there are many benefits of Witr prayer. Of course, here we will not explain all the benefits of the Witr prayer. But according to this Hadith you can esteem the importance of Witr
Abu Basrah reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Allah Almighty has added one to your prayers, so perform it between the evening and dawn prayers: the Witr prayer, the Witr prayer.”
Source: Musnad Aḥmad 27229.

The above mentioned Hadith show that how much important is this to perform Witr. Keeping in mind the importance of Witr everybody should seek the righteous information about how to perform witr.

There are a lot of Hadith in the favor and importance of Witr. Here we discuss the conceptual meaning of these Hadith. According to a valuable Hadith, offering Witr prayer is much more valuable than owning the most precious treasure. The fact is that the Witr prayer is very honorable and valued in Islam. That is why witr performers will get best reward, when they started living their permanent lives. We cannot understand the value of this treasure before we get it in real. There are a lot of benefits of offering Witr prayer explained in different Hadith. One of the most honorable reward for Muslims is the affection of Allah that they get as a gift of performing Witr.

So, performing witr Prayer is of great importance in Islam.

Witr is wajib or farz:

There are lot of activities implies to Muslims as Fard, wajib, Sunnah and Nafl. Fard are the most important and necessary to be offered while wajib is also as same as FARD but lesser in Degree in term of reward and punish. While Sunnah is the activity which had been performed by our Holy Prophet (peace be upon HIM). Moreover, Nafl is the Ibadaah which is not a sin if performed and if you performed it will be rewarded.

A Muslim have to offer five Fard Salah in a day. In Iesha, 3 witr are wajib on a Muslim. So to know that How to perform Witr for the Muslim is too much important.

Number Raka’ah in witr:

Rakaah is the part of Salah. Every Salah has different number of Rakaah. One Raka’ah will be completed in such a way that you have started by saying intention like that: I am going to pray my Salah, keeping my face toward kaaba, then you will raise your hand to your ears if your male, and in case of females hands will be raised till your shoulder, after that you have to say Hammd, surah fatiha and surah Ikhlaas or any other Surah from the Quran. Moving forward, now you have to move for rukku and two sajood afterward, after sajood you’re one Rakaah will be performed. In fact there are three Raka’ah in witr, which has been ordered to us from Shariah.

You cannot learn the method to perform the complete three Raka’ah of witr by knowing about only one Raka’ah, how to perform witr with its complete three Rakaah you need to learn it step by step:

How to perform Witr: Step by step guidelines:

Sunnah emphasizes witr prayer and it is wajib for Muslims to offer witr prayer. Neglecting this prayer is not good, if you QADA your witr, you have to perform QADAH Witr. Allah nonetheless rewards the individual immensely who learn that how to perform Witr and eventually perform the Witr. Offer the Witr Salah in a pure environment. A Muslim should be able to observe Witr even when travelling.

In our religion Islam it is believed that while a person is praying, Allah will answer all of his/her Dua. Additionally, ladies should wear clothing that covers their overall body excluding the face and hands, while men must wear trousers that covers their belly button and reaches slightly above their ankles. This prayer is not more difficult than it appears to be. Witr during the Umrah has many virtues. You can get Umrah from any trusted hajj umrah travel agency.

Angels are reported to watch the Witr prayer when it is performed in the last part of the night. While we are praying to Allah, these angels bestow favors (blessing) onto us. If the Dua is recited by all the affection of heart, Allah will answer it.