Prepare Matcha Tea

How To Prepare Matcha Tea Properly At Home

The preparation of Matcha goes way beyond the making of an average cup of tea. Matcha is prepared in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, known as ‘orchanoyu’, originating from Zen Buddhism. Back in the day, the monks used to whisk powdered green tea leaves in a bowl of hot water to enhance their meditation practices. This tradition was originally from China, which was then brought to Japan around the 12th century and soon became a status symbol among the warrior class. Later it developed as a transformative and spiritual practice all over Japan, as it helped reinforce some of Japan’s philosophies on respect, tranquillity, harmony, and purity.

The Japanese tea ceremony hasn’t lost its fundamental nature but has undoubtedly evolved. In Japan, even after all these years, the ceremony takes place in a specially designed room with a limited number of people. The wall decorations, flower arrangements, clothing, and tools, all vary according to the season, type of gathering, time of the day, and the number of people joining. Plus, everything in the Matcha preparation ceremony is studied and precise, from the aesthetics to every gesture and motion made by the host.

So if you are looking to conduct your own Matcha tea ceremony, you can buy Matcha Green Tea Powder in bulk from Tea Globally. We provide our customers with the highest quality tea powder so that they can enjoy an authentic Matcha experience. 

So for your help, we have explained how to prepare Matcha green tea authentically in detail. 

How To Prepare Matcha

The main part of this traditional Japanese tea ceremony and the making of Matcha tea lies in the style of preparation. You can create your ritual at home using the proper traditional tools and high-quality Matcha secured from the best suppliers. 

You can prepare Matcha-tea in one of the two ways. The first way is ‘Koicha’, which is the best option for tea ceremonies or special tea parties. It features a thick blend of premium Matcha green tea that is shared among all the guests at the ceremony. For this, imperial-grade Matcha is recommended to get a mellow aroma and an amazing flavor. Then there is the other way, known as ‘Usucha’, which is great for a Matcha tea beginner. This tea has gotten a thinner blend and a mellow taste, making it perfect for everyday use.

Here is everything you will need to make the Matcha tea.

What You’ll Need

Before you begin to prepare Matcha tea, you will require some basic tools.

Chawan (Tea Bowl) 

This is the main tool required when preparing Matcha. It is where you prepare and serve the tea. You will find a wide range of these bowls in the market in different styles and sizes. This way, you can choose a bowl according to your preference. A shallow bowl can be used to cool the tea faster, and a deeper one can be used to keep the Matcha hot for an extended period.

Chashaku(Tea Scoop)

This is a utensil made out of bamboo, used to measure. And scoop Matcha powder from the caddy into the tea bowl. It is made to scoop around one gram of Matcha every time. So for one bowl of 2 oz of hot water, you will need about three to four scoops of Matcha green tea powder.

Chasen (Tea Whisk)

This is another important tool required in the preparation of Matcha. It is a whisk made out of bamboo that is used to mix powdered tea with hot water. All you have to do is gently whisk the tea while making ‘W’ motions as the hot water is being poured in until you reach the perfect consistency.

The Vital Liquid

The water in the Matcha preparation should be at the perfect temperature. You don’t want it to be too cold or too hot. Because they could either make your tea not strong enough or too bitter. An ideal temperature suggested by the experts is between 158°F (70°C) – 176°F (80°C). 

The method of Matcha preparation may seem like a lot. But it is supposed to promote tranquillity and harmony in a person. Remember to take time, be present, and enjoy the calming Matcha preparation ceremony. 

Contact Tea Globally today to learn more about purchasing the highest grade of wholesale Matcha for your business. We will guide you through our collection and help you secure the best Matcha powder out there. 

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