iKnowMed EHR

iKnowMed EHR and intelyConnect Integration

The iKnowMed EHR is a web-based system that offers 24/7 access to patient charts. It contains comprehensive cancer diagnosis information and a drug library. This eliminates the need to write notes and place orders on paper. Safety alerts are generated, which enhance patient safety. It is currently used in over 200 locations of care in the United States.

iKnowMed Generation 2

The iKnowMed Generation 2 EHR is the most advance oncology EHR on the market. Mobile devices and handheld computers can access the service through the cloud.

The iKnowMed Generation 2 EHR is certified as an ONC-ATCB 2011 Edition Complete EHR. This means that it complies with the requirements of the ARRA and can help eligible providers qualify for incentives and reduce penalties. It also supports the latest interoperability standards and is compatible with most mobile devices. It can also use to exchange files with other healthcare organizations and patients.

iKnowMed Generation 2 is a cloud-based EHR for oncologists and other healthcare providers. Its functionality includes e-prescribing, charge capture, and developing medical notes. It also supports oncology-specific requirements, such as AJCC staging criteria. NCCN Guidelines and Value Pathways powered NCCN are also supported. The iKnowMed Generation 2 EHR can be accessed on a computer, mobile device, or tablet.


IKnowMed EHR is an excellent choice for small and medium-sized practices. Its design was made oncologists, and it is certified the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC). That are compatible with many common interoperability standards. Iknowmed also more affordable than the average EHR. It costs $850 per user, which is cheaper than ScriptSure’s $1,700 per user. This price includes installation, customization, hardware, training, and upgrades Integration with other healthcare technology modules

Integration with other healthcare technology modules allows healthcare organizations to share data and improve patient care. When data from different systems is combine, it makes data collection and analysis more efficient and accurate. Integration also allows for easier collaboration between stakeholders. This is critical to providing quality care at a reasonable cost. Healthcare organizations generate large amounts of data and must find ways to make that data more useful and accessible. To make this process easier, intelyConnect provides an integration tool that connects disparate systems and applications.

The company’s Hl7 Interface engine enables rapid EHR integration. It also provides training and certification. It supports all major HIT systems and is design to be interoperable with cloud-based software. Founded in 1997 as MedShape, the company has worked with companies including Alliance Chicago, Quadmed, and Revere Health. Its products integrate with Allscripts, Cerner, NextGen, McKesson, and eClinicalWorks.

The latest technologies in healthcare provide a wealth of information to make decisions about patient care. Using big data can improve service efficiency, reduce costs, and prevent medical errors. Some of these technologies also have the potential to make the entire healthcare system more efficient. These include patient-reported outcomes, medical data from other healthcare organizations, and data from the Internet of Things.

iKnowMed EHR for Oncologists and Hematologists

The iKnowMed EHR is a web-based solution, enabling physicians to access patient charts any time. It reduces errors associated with paper charts and has advanced disease management capabilities. It eliminates the errors that can be caused by paper charts and offers advanced disease management capabilities. Secure mobile access is also available without violating HIPAA compliance. The iKnowMed EHR is compatible with other EHR systems. This EHR software is designe to easy to use and provides a wealth of useful features. It also allows practitioners to prescribe medications to patients anytime, anywhere. Physicians can even obtain refills for their patients through the system. iKnowMed EHR was design oncologists to meet the needs of community-based oncology practices. The system’s customizable features allow it to fit seamlessly into existing workflows. It supports evidence-based clinical pathways and provides comprehensive point-of-care treatment decision support. It also supports participating in value-based care programs.

iKnowMed’s Gen2 platform

integrates advanced EHR features with other advanced healthcare technology modules. It includes the Clear Value PlusSM software solution, Clinical Quality and Regimen Support, and My Care PlusSM, an oncology-focused patient portal. It also includes Lynx Mobile technology, inventory and purchasing management, and TotalViewTM Generation 2 revenue cycle reporting. Its cloud-based architecture makes it compatible with other EHRs and supports Meaningful Use certification. The software is also HIPAA-compliant and can improve clinical workflow. Another benefit of the iKnowMed EHR is its MIPS support. This feature enables submission of data to CMS. Furthermore, it has Practice InsightsSM which provides continuous data monitoring. This means that you’ll have actionable insights that will help you improve your patients’ health.

The latest technologies in healthcare provide a wealth of information to make decisions about patient care. Using big data can improve service efficiency, reduce costs, and prevent medical errors. Some of these technologies also have the potential to make the entire healthcare system more efficient. These include patient-reported outcomes, medical data from other healthcare organizations, and data from the Internet of Things.