Know the Ludo Online Game Rules

Know the Ludo Online Game Rules

The ancient strategy game ludo, which has a long history, has made its way to digital sites thanks to technology. Ludo has evolved significantly over the years, moving from being played on a board alongside family and friends at home to being played against hundreds of players on such a smartphone. Although the two components of a game provide different life experiences, they are fundamentally the same and governed by the same collection of ludo rules. Here are all the Ludo regulations you need to know to start enjoying if you’re beginning with the web edition and seeking additional information.

The official Ludo Rules

Typically, two and four people sit across each other and play ludo in a circular motion. Four identical-coloured tokens are given per player, placing them on their residence square on the game board. Each player throws a die, and the token is then moved in the direction of their column squares based on the precise roll. Here are the critical online Ludo tricks guidelines that each player should be aware of to get the most enjoyment out of the game:

Several players:

With 2 to 4 people, ludo may be played. The initial colours given to each participant are red, yellow, blue, and green.


Four tokens are placed at the beginning of the game for each participant. The winner will be the first person to successfully manoeuvre all their tickets away from the beginning square and into the opposite column, where the finish zone is located. Token movement in the game results from a roll of both the team’s dice at each round. For instance, if the dice result is 3, the player may advance the token across the board via three spaces.

Issuing Tokens:

To discharge a token first from the beginning area, you need a rating of 6 or 1. Each player cannot put the token on their corresponding beginning square until they receive their initial 6 and 1, respectively, since there won’t be any tokens left to move. That after the initial token is issued, players have the choice to relocate their current tokens or put new ones at the beginning square every time they score a six or a one.

Numerous Sixes:

Once a player gets a 6, they receive a bonus die in digital ludo. However, if the person rolls a six just on the final roll, it is forfeit, and the following player takes their place immediately.

Taking away an opponent’s tokens:

When a player’s piece enters a square already occupied by such a token of various colours, that opponent’s piece is removed from the path and returned to its starting location. By earning a 6 and 1, the player has once more to release the different-coloured token towards the beginning point to move it away from the home region. An additional roll is made for that turn when a person’s piece touches an opponent’s unit.

The safe tiles in each quarter of the game strategy game are typically the fourth squares from the top inside the rightmost columns and the home columns of every token. Players may destroy tokens at any point on board outside these safe areas and after a token reaches its coloured region. Eight secure squares, also known as globe spaces, are denoted by the sign “.” One or even more tokens of various colours may be placed in each safe square anywhere at one moment.

Leading tokens towards the goal post:

When a token completes its whole track, from the beginning point to its designated coloured home region, it reaches the home columns. Six squares make up the coloured home province, with the final one as the goal line when the coin is removed from play. Getting all four tokens into the goal line is the goal.

If the result of the die rolling doesn’t apply to any tokens within the main town, players may utilize the impact on some other token. When a player earns five points, for instance, but only two points are required to move the symbol in the residential area towards the end zone, that player may utilize the five games to reach their remaining tokens on board.

The player should give up the turn if there aren’t additional tokens on that board. This could occur if the last tokens are located in the main town or were already eliminated from play. Hence, depending on Gamezy app is a great idea for modern-day players.