Benefits of Learning Python

Why learn Python? Reasons & Benefits of Learning Python


Python is a high-level object-oriented language developed by Guido van Rossum. It is an open-source interpreted programming language that also consists of dynamic semantics. It is a very compatible language, as it will quickly run on various operating systems, whether it is Windows, Mac, or Linux. The most beautiful thing about Python is that it has a set of high-level in-built structures (i.e. data types) which can combine with both data typing and dynamic typing and facilitate fast application development and scripting. The Python programming certification is a powerful tool in the world of programming.

Why Learn Python?

The syntax of Python and codes is straightforward and short compared to other object-oriented languages like C++ and Java. It doesn’t consist of semicolons (;) and reduces the heavy load of bulky codes. Python can learn very quickly through crash courses on Coursera, udemy, and ehmatthes.

Reasons And Benefits Of Learning Python.

  • Great Career Opportunities.

Python programming language consists of high-salary jobs and opportunities. Research shows that the average salary of any Python developer is about $92,000 annually.

  • Versatility

Python is also known for its friendly nature; it is also called a programmer-friendly language. Once you get certification in Python, you’re eligible to do data science, web development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and so on.

  • Huge Community

Another important reason to learn Python is its use and massive community. Face any technical issue while learning Python or using Python. You can directly take guidance from Python community members via social media platforms, forums, Q & A websites, and so forth.


  • Interpreted Language

Python is an interpreted language, which means that Python executes the code directly line-by-line. If any error is found, it terminates the further execution. The other significance is that it shows only one mistake, even in the cases of multiple mistakes, which facilitates easier debugging.

  • Vast Libraries Support

Python consists of about 137,000 libraries, which play a vital role in data visualisation, data science, machine learning, etc. You can find almost every function needed in programs quickly in these libraries. So, you don’t have any need to rely on external libraries.


  1.  Website development
  2.  Game development
  3.  AI and Machine Learning
  4. GUI-based desktop applications
  5. Web scraping applications
  6. Scientific/computational applications
  7. Prototyping
  8. Embedded applications

Organizations Using Python.

  1. Google
  2. Netflix
  3. Mozilla
  4. Dropbox
  5. Reddit
  6. Stripe
  7. Quora
  8. Yahoo (Maps) and so forth.

Basics of Python

Variables in Python.

Variables are considered temporary storage space where you can store continuously changing values.

Data types in Python

Every variable has its associated data type, where it gets stored. Two types of data types are present in Python:

  • Mutable data type – These data types cannot be modified or altered once an object is created. It includes:
  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Tuples
  • Immutable data types – These data types can be modified and altered after creating an object. It includes:
  • Dictionaries
  • Lists
  • Sets

OOPs, a concept in Python.

OOPS (object-oriented programming) can be defined as a programming paradigm that forces the usage of classes and objects. Its main aim is to generate real-world concepts like encapsulation, objects etc. The basic idea behind OOPs is to bind data and functions that will be combined into a single entity so that no other part of the code can access it.

Critical Concepts Of Oops:

  • Objects
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphisms
  • Encapsulation

Python conditional statements

Conditional statements, basically called decision-making statements, in which Python evaluates the code to see if it meets the written condition or not. If the state meets and TRUE, then the code executes. And, if the condition is FALSE, the code terminates.

Types of conditional statements in Python.

  • If statement
  • If Else statement
  • Elif statement
  • Nested if statement
  • Nested if-else statement

Loops in Python

Loops were used when the execution of specific code needed to be repeated many times.

Types of loops in Python.

  • While loop
  • For loop
  • Nested loop

Python Frameworks And Libraries

Python has a large number of libraries and frameworks used in different fields. Some popular frameworks and libraries are:

  • Web development- Django flask, Pyramid, CherryPy.
  • GUIs based application-
  • Tk, PyGTK, PyQt, etc.
  • Machine learning- Tensorflow, PyTorch, SciKit-Learn, Matplotlib, Scipy etc.
  • Mathematics- Numpy, Pandas, etc.

Python Operators

The Operators in Python are used to perform various operations in objects in data types.

Significant Operators in Python:

  • Arithmetic operator
  • Assignment operator
  • Comparison operator
  • Logical operator
  • Identity operator
  • Membership operator
  • bitwise operator

Python Functions

A function can be defined as a block of code that only executes when it is called. Instead of writing similar code repeatedly for various inputs, we can use function calls and reuse the code often for multiple inputs and outputs.

Types of Python Functions

  • Built-in – function : help(), min(), print().
  • User-defined function: Created by users.
  • Anonymous function: Also called Lambda function as it was declared with standard-def() keyword.

Exception Handling:

The exception is an abnormal error that occurred while executing the program. Whenever any exception arises in the program, the program terminates and shows an undefined error.

Some applicable exceptions in Python:

  • NameError – It occurs when a name is not found.
  • ZeroDivisionError: It happens when any number is divided by zero.
  • IdentationError: It appears in the case of the wrong indentation.
  • IQError: It occurs when Input/Output operations fail.

Python Certification

Now, let’s talk about the importance of Python certification. Certificate courses in Python provide an enormous opportunity to acquire in-depth expertise in Python programming, using related packages like Scipy, Pandas, Web Scraping libraries, and so on.

Advantages of Python certificate:

  • Get expertise in Python.
  • Offer a sense of achievement.
  • Provide good job opportunities.
  • Boost your programming skills.
  • Offer high salary packages.
  • Improve your portfolio.

5 Best Python Certificate Courses for 2021.

  1. Python Certification from the University of Michigan (Coursera)
  2. Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python (Udemy)
  3. Applied Data Science with Python Certification (Coursera)
  4. Python Certification for Data Science by IBM (Coursera)
  5. Best Python Course for Data Science and Machine Learning (Udemy)