Sofa Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Sofa Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Many Australians lead an active lifestyle. Often they devote very little time to cleaning the house. Time is hard on them, so it is difficult for them to regularly clean furniture and sofa cleaning. Often the dirt continues to accumulate until it is clearly visible on the sofa. This has led many people to look for professional upholstery cleaning services. However, cleaning a sofa should always be done with care.

1.   Avoid incompetence

Untrained dry cleaners can really damage your expensive furniture. Poorly trained people cannot use the equipment correctly. They cannot choose the right cleaning products that are most suitable for cleaning sofa upholstery. They also don’t know how to properly clean wood or metal surfaces. This lack of knowledge can lead to improper cleaning of the sofa. Not to mention the stains that can get fixed on the upholstery and it will be impossible to remove them! So always hire experienced professionals. Just send us a photo of your furniture and choose a convenient time for cleaning.

2.   Avoid very long sofa cleaning intervals

Your sofa needs regular cleaning. This prevents the accumulation of dust on its surfaces. If your sofa is not cleaned for a long time, it becomes a breeding ground for mold, fungus, bacteria, etc. They can create an unpleasant odor in your living room. These bacteria and fungi can also be dangerous as they can lead to infections and diseases. In addition, dirty sofas can attract a lot of pests, rodents and insects. So create a “healthy” living environment by cleaning regularly.

3.   Avoid using hazardous chemicals

Many cleaning solutions are actually dangerous to your health. Even the slightest amount of residual cleaning chemicals can cause a host of health problems such as skin rashes, headaches, breathing problems, sneezing, and eye irritation. Prolonged use of such chemicals can have many other toxic effects. So, you need to choose safe cleaning products that are not harmful to health and the environment. Eco-friendly pet-friendly cleaners are ideal for regular sofa cleaning.

Cleanliness Clinic uses only environmentally friendly and safest chemicals.

4.   Avoid stains and traces of cleaning products

After cleaning, traces of cleaning agent may remain. This can lead to stubborn stains. However, residual chemicals can be minimized to practically negligible levels by using proper cleaning methods. Proper cleaning methods can keep your sofa spotless. Cleaning a sofa may require a variety of methods, such as laundering sofa covers, vacuuming to remove dust, wiping with a cleaning solution, and thoroughly drying wet surfaces. The exact method may vary depending on the type of sofa you have. A good method ensures that no unwanted stains or marks remain after cleaning.

5.   Avoid damaging the sofa

Many cleaners are corrosive. They can damage the fabric of sofa covers. The sofa cover, upholstery or sofa surfaces can also be damaged by rough or careless cleaning. Avoid using aggressive cleaning agents. Use gentle cleaning methods that will not damage the wood, metal, foam, leather, or fabric materials of the sofa. It will definitely enhance the look of your sofa. Try also: Top Couch Cleaning in Blacktown

6.   Avoid fabric shrinkage

Sofa covers and upholstery materials may shrink after being treated with water. This can lead to the appearance of “wrinkles”.

7.   Avoid very cheap upholstery cleaning services

Cheaper rates are often accompanied by poor quality of service. Those who ostensibly provide dry cleaning services have untrained workers and use unreliable or ineffective cleaning products. Therefore, you should always look for professional furniture and carpet cleaners. Sofa cleaning fees may vary depending on the size of your sofa.

Properly cleaning your sofa will enhance the look of your home. Creates a healthy living environment. So hurry up and clean your sofas with the safest cleaning products.

For more reading:

6 Ideas to Revamp Your Old Sofa and Give It a Second Life