PCC Control Panel

What is PCC Control Panel? Do You Need To Know About This?

Do you know that The Product You Consume from Breakfast to Dinner, From Necessity to Luxury, all the Items are manufactured or processed through a small or large-scale Factory so that we can consume or utilize these Products?

Do you ever wonder how that Factory Work does? With Proper Single Smart intelligent main Power Centre Electrical Panel that distribute and Control the Entire Factory’s Electricity so that all the Heavy Giant Machinery can run properly with the result that we can get all our requirement from the Market on time.

As you are aware, Electricity is a part of modern life without the Energy We can’t even think about our daily life activity, similarly, to Control Machinery within the Factory which is involved in productions. A PCC Panel plays the most important role and provides electrical power Distribution from Transformer to Machinery; and The PCC Panel is also known as the Heart of the Production Unit.

The Worlds Tops Band like Samsung, Siemens, ABB, and L&T, they all manufacture the Electrical switchgear Device, and these Apparatus are used while manufacturing and assembly the PCC Panels,

Now you’re probably thinking, what Switchgear is? Right?! A Switchgear is an Electrical Circuit Breaker (operate like Electrical Domestic Switch that helps to switch on the light.) that controls and protects the electrical energy distribution system automatically or manually and protects from electrical overload and Short-circuit.

What Makes PCC Panel Special

  1. Endurance
  2. High performance
  3. Easy maintenance
  4. Bespoke design
  5. Long working life
  6. Easy operation

The PCC (Energy Control Centre) panels are utilized to handle and control the electrical and Energy efficiency of the energy system. These panels are made of high-quality Switchgear materials and are extremely durable Busbars used for reliable and efficient performance. The main power panel consist of numerous breaker feeder and provides Protection, monitoring, and control Features. All The reputable PCC panel manufacturer is designed to read all the location data obtained from the power panels.

PCC panels and main let panels are made of 14/16/18 SWG CRCA/SS material. The semi-bolt structure is highly supported. It ensures the required tread capacity and temperature increase protection with IP protection. Adequate space to eliminate incoming and outgoing cables. Outgoing terminals are a type of stud according to IEC standards.

Electrical central control system panels are an integral main part of an electrical network. A Panel ‘CENTER’ of all Panel is widely known for its premium quality power delivery board and compliant with as per Factory requirements. The best switching device and bus bars are used for reliability and efficiency.

The main power control board consists of ACB (Air Circuit Breaker), Changeover Switches, and breaker equipment for monitoring and control equipment. Now you might want to know what PCC panel full form in electrical?

A PCC Panel Stands for Power or Energy Control Centre Panel because it is Act and Operates like the ‘Mothers’ – Main Centre Panel within the Factory to operate and Use the Power source for Machinery. Usually, a power control centre is installed near the power source so that the fault level can be minimized.

The Manufacturers offer a wide range of electrical control panels, such as PCC cum APFC and PCC cum MCC panels, according to Industry requirements.

Important Arbitration and Symbol of PCC Panel:

PCC: Power control panel

PMCC:  Power and Motor Control Centre

A: Ampere

V: Voltage

F: Frequency

KW: Kilowatt

KHW: Kilowatt hours

A High-Quality PCC Panel building process begins with the selection of High-Quality, reliable branded Switchgear, and accessories; the Final Manufactured PCC Panel can help to boost Production

Efficiency save Energy, reduce cost, and Increase the Safety of the overall Plant.


Conventionally, Electrical Power Management Can be processed through a proper ‘energy audit,’ which helps to save Electricity and increase the Power Factor of the Plant. There are millions of PCC Panel manufacturers in India who provide services for Energy audits to understand the correct requirements of the power with various suitable Power Distribution Methods that help to choose the Right PCC Panel for the Right Plant.