
What is Picrew and How You Can Make Your Avatar for Free

What is Picrew?

Picrew is an online avatar creator website that allows artists to upload their own presets. Presets are a group of photo editing tools designed to turn your digital photos into beautiful, finished products with just a few clicks. It was created in July 2017 by two employees of TetraChroma Inc. Its first version was released in 2018. The interface and concept are similar to previous avatar editors like Nintendo Mii or WeeMee.

It is a popular tool for creating avatars outside of Japan. Its interface is simple and you can draw your illustrations using picrew creator. It also has some limitations, such as restrictions on redistributing images created using Picrew’s image creator.

Creators can choose many options to change the style and color of the avatar (eyes, hair, nose, etc.) and create their character. You can also share this newly made character on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

How to Use it in English?

This is a Japanese site and is available in the Japanese language. If you want to change it to English or any other language then you can do it too. As you open the website in your browser you will get an option for language change in the setting option and there you can select the Japanese or English language.

If you do not have luck and can’t find alter the language button in the setting option, you must add Google translate as an extension on your web browser.

Usage Rights:

This platform is free to use. You can use this platform without spending money. As long as you don’t sell your photos for money or claim the rights, you can use this platform for free.

You can use it to create avatars and characters for youtube, twitch, conflict, etc.). Even if your channel is monetized, that’s great!

You use it for personal projects or performances, memes, gatherings, changes, and servers for free.

How to make Picrew?

  1. Open your browser on your mobile phone or your desktop and search Picrew.me. You will be directed to the website.
  2. Here you have the option to choose English or Japanese.
  3. Scroll down to select an avatar you wish to personalize.

   4 You can change any part of your face including eyebrows, eye shape, lips, and eyes. Next, choose your hairstyle, skin tone, clothing, and accessories.

  1. After you are done with all the customizations on your avatar, hit the Complete button.
  2. Next select Image Download to save it to your device.

Benefits of Picrew

You can create several layers of images on the Picrew Avatar Image-Creator. Then these images are cropped to create a 2D avatar image. Hence it will be easy for you to create an avatar. Its interface is simple and it is easy to use application. This useful application is completely free to use.

What is the Picrew trend?

Picrew TikTok users use the Picrew website to create avatars that look like the creator. In this way, you can make your avatar. TikTok users have taken this model a step further, turning the Pikru trend into a fun challenge by creating avatars for their friends and family members.


Picrew is a paper doll-style avatar design website. It is an image creator where users can input their avatar creator image from the image creator. It is an image creation platform where you can create a photo maker with your photos and play with your photo maker. With the built-in Image Maker, you can combine your favorite elements to create images and characters.

There are tons of adjustments, so if you see a paint (paintbrush) or move (arrow) tool, feel free to mess around! In this way, you can make changes according to your taste. You can make pimples on the lips, get thick eyebrows, etc.