What is the difference between web design and web development

What is difference between web design & web development?

If you are new to the world of web design, then this article might be helpful to you as you are trying to distinguish between web design and web development. While both are related, there are some basic differences between them that should be taken into consideration before getting involved in either of them. So, what exactly is the difference between a web design and web development company? Let’s have a closer look.

1) How did I get started with web design?

I’ve been building websites since I was 13 years old. In fact, my first paid job in high school was helping a church improve its site. It wasn’t until after I graduated from college that I realized that if you knew how to use Photoshop or could write a few lines of code, there were companies willing to pay you to work from home designing and developing websites for them.

 What I didn’t realize at first was that there were two different types of developers and designers. Some people are better at building things than others, just like how some people are better teachers than others.

 If you’re just starting out in web design, here are some basic differences between Web Designers and Web Developers. If you already know what you want to do, then scroll down to find out how you can become a developer or designer.

2) What do web designers actually do?

Web designers are responsible for creating an attractive, functional, consistent, and easy-to-navigate site. After researching what sort of content their client’s website will offer, they create an overall visual scheme that will allow users to access that information in a way that’s efficient, appealing, engaging—and memorable.

 Web designers also need to take into account both SEO (search engine optimization) and usability as they create their site’s visual elements. Optimizing a site for search engines means including keywords that users will likely use to find their business. At the same time, it’s important to make sure those words aren’t hard to find—or even hidden.

 A site’s usability, meanwhile, hinges on good navigation. Visitors should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily, with no unnecessary steps or confusion along the way. A good designer will not only consider how something looks but also how it works.

3) How does it differ from web development?

The most important thing to know about what makes a website design vs. development is that these are two different disciplines. When working on a team, each member of that team has certain responsibilities. Web developers build or code websites, while designers create pages that are visually appealing, eye-catching, and help communicate ideas. The skill sets for both roles are very different! One can have strong skills in both areas but it takes years of study to become good at each discipline.

 As a designer, you’ll work in many different areas, including UX (user experience), UI (user interface), graphic design, branding, print design, video editing and more. The list of things you can do is quite extensive! Web developers are similar in that they will also get to know an entire field of technology—but their specialty lies in coding. Software Developers take directions from designers to create finished products that work just as they should.

 Web developers work with code, while designers create content. Developers use programming languages like PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and Java to make a website function. Designers use visual design programs like Photoshop or Illustrator to make a website look good! It’s important to note that both disciplines are required to make a successful website.

4) Will my new website need both services?

Web development refers to creating a website, while web design refers to how it looks. Often, these terms are used interchangeably, but if you’re looking for a solid distinction, here it is: Web design focuses on the look of your site; web development focuses on the function. Web designers might not be as familiar with things like database structure and optimizing code as developers are. Conversely, developers might not have as much experience with graphic design as designers do.

 When it comes to hiring a professional for your new website, you may be wondering whether it makes sense to hire one person or two. The answer will depend on how much work you can handle and what your goals are. Some clients find that having a developer build their site and then handing off designs to a designer works best; other clients like to keep designers and developers in-house as part of their staff.