Lab Diamond

Which Is Better: Natural Diamond Or Lab Diamond?

There has always been a debate regarding which diamond is better, whether the natural one or the lab grown diamond. We all know that diamonds are one of the most expensive stones that are used in jewellery. When you give your special ones a piece of jewellery, it is mostly diamond jewellery. Most of the time, you might have also seen lovers propose to their partners with diamond eternity rings. But are you aware of the natural diamonds and the lab-grown diamonds? Can you distinguish the difference between the two diamonds? If you have no idea at all, then do not worry. In this article, we will be looking at the difference between the natural diamond and the lab-grown diamonds.

Before diving into the details about natural diamonds and the lab-grown diamonds, you should keep this in mind that whenever you are purchasing diamond jewellery, purchase from the shops that keep authentic diamond pieces jewellery. One such shop is AG & Sons, where you will find diamond bracelets, black diamond eternity rings, platinum diamond eternity rings and so on.

Natural Diamond

Do you know which the hardest element on earth is? It is a diamond, which is made from carbon. It takes around one to three billion years to create natural diamonds. It’s created in natural conditions, under high pressure and high temperature, deep below the earth’s mantle. Then the diamond travels to the earth’s surface via molten rock. Then they mine it, refine it and make a beautiful piece of jewellery out of it. This is called a natural diamond.

Now let us have a look at the lab diamond. You will love this: How Much Are Diamonds Worth

Lab Diamond

Lab diamond is also known as man-made diamond. To grow it in the lab, the same conditions such as the same temperature and pressure are created as that of the natural diamond. They select a diamond seed which is put under the condition of high temperature and high pressure in the lab. It takes a few weeks for the diamond seed to fully turn into a crystallised rough diamond. Then it is cut and polished. And finally, our lab diamond is ready which has the same properties as that of the natural diamond. Many diamond jewellery such as diamond eternity rings, and diamond bracelets are either made with natural diamond or lab grown diamond.

Difference between Lab Diamond And Synthetic Diamond

There is a misconception among people that lab diamonds are also called synthetic diamonds. But lab diamonds and synthetic diamonds are different. Lab diamonds are grown in the lab under the same conditions as that of natural diamonds. They are identical to natural diamonds in look and properties. Synthetic diamonds on the other hand are an alternative to natural diamonds and lab diamonds. Some of the common synthetic diamonds are cubic zirconia and spinel.

Advantages Of Buying Natural Diamonds

If you buy platinum diamond eternity rings or black diamond eternity rings consisting of natural diamonds, you will be getting a lot of advantages. Let us now look at some of the advantages of natural diamonds:

  • The value of natural diamonds increases with time. Having jewellery of natural diamond is therefore considered to be a good investment. The large the size of the diamond, the more value it has. But large size diamonds are rarely available.
  • The price of natural diamonds is stable as compared to lab grown diamonds. The reason for this is that it has been traded for ages and it has been there before the lab-grown diamonds come into existence.
  • As you know, having natural diamonds is a great investment. But having colourful natural diamonds is a greater investment. Colourful diamonds in yellow, pink, blue and red have more value. These are rare, but if you are getting a chance, you can buy different jewellery such as diamond bracelets, diamond necklaces, diamond eternity rings and so on.

Advantages Of Buying Lab Diamonds

Lab diamonds are man-made, but as already mentioned, they are identical to natural diamonds considering the appearance, properties and condition under which they are created. Let us now look at some of the advantages of lab diamonds:

  • Lab grown diamonds take a few weeks to get ready as compared to natural diamonds which take billions of years.
  • Lab grown diamonds are affordable as compared to natural diamonds. This means you can get a large diamond within your budget. Also, you can afford to buy colourful lab-grown diamonds such as black diamond eternity rings.
  • Lab grown diamonds are sustainable and hence are good for the earth.

Summing Up

Whether it is a natural diamond or a lab grown diamond, you are going to be benefitted by both. Both have values but just keep your budget in mind before buying diamond jewellery such as diamond earrings or platinum diamond eternity rings. Apart from that be assured that a piece of the ornament with diamonds is going to enhance your look!